Lima – our first South American experience

Our visa to visit USA ended and we moved on, to be more precise we went to Lima in South America. Our flight from LA took us first to the airport in Ciudad de Mexico. We waited for few hours, bought small bottle of tequila and tried some fancy pastry named Pan de Muerto (we were there just in time for Haloween). Sadly we didn’t have enough time to get out of the airport. Anyway, our connecting flight was ready and we hopped on, all the way to Lima in Peru.

Machu Picchu one in a lifetime experience

It was five in the morning, dark and cold. We were waiting in a long queue of other impatient people who wanted to walk up to the Machu Picchu. We'll get there before first buses and maybe have a chance to see sunrise at the Sun Gate. Our plan was perfect, we only needed to show our ticket to some guys who looked like something between army and police officers.

The Salkantay trail – Day 1

It was really dark, rain was pouring on our heads and we couldn't see more than few meters ahead. At that moment we heard a horse whine and the sound of hooves coming in our direction. We held each others hand and hoped that the horse will see us rather than smash into us and push us over the edge of the abyss.